Seriously, it’s NOT about the nail.
Feminism / Gender Essentialism

Seriously, it’s NOT about the nail.

This video is a pretty accurate representation of how many people explain the differences between men and women in society and why relationships fail. Interpersonal communication can often be simplified into three different types, depending on one’s goal. There are task oriented, relationship oriented, and image oriented. Often communication between two people will be a … Continue reading


Why Feminism Does Not Perpetuate Gender Categories

Many open-minded and freedom-loving young adults do not like the term feminism because they believe it perpetuates gender categories. Is the world not ready to move on?, they ask. Being ‘nice’ to women is ‘common sense’! That is not the case – here we discuss why. In a thoughtful post titled Feminism: A Male Anarchist’s Perspective, Pendleton Vandiver highlights … Continue reading